1. Do not resell any artwork from out store.
Due to the fact this it our original artwork. We do not allow costumer to resell them and using your name as the artist and author of that artwork.
You will receive warning new on our social media and store. Also, you need to responsibility with your illegal actions.
2. Do not draw or erase on our artwork.
This it original artwork and based from creative ideas from an artist. So don't damage or make anything change on the artwork. The result is that you will get completely damage artwork and this it not our fault and we don't responsibility for any circumstances like that.
We also have evidence, because we already took and film video while we packing and get ready send it out.
3. Do not copy out artwork.
This it illegal actions that all artist required costumer and viewers not do it. The reason was because we spending so much time and build ideas for your products. Overall, we put so much handwork on this, please understand about this and do not copy our artwork.
This Term of Policy describes the right and responsibilities that apply to you and out store.
Please read the terms carefully before order or collaboration with me. When you read through this, you represent that you accept and agreed with my terms of policy and don't have any concern.